The OPERI Recap, Vol. 2, No. 1 January 2018

Please find here The OPERI Recap Vol.2, No.1 – January 2018. The Recap is produced irregularly and circulated by email. If you are not on the mailing list, you can be added by sending your name and email address to

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Living and Learning, also referred to as the Hall Dennis Report. It was commissioned by the Ontario Government in 1968, and people still describe it as the most enlightened report on education ever published by a government. We celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Report in this issue of the Recap with some quotes from it that help to explain its lasting value.

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The Recap is an awareness building tool. Would you kindly look for items of particular interest and share them through your network.

We hope you find this issue worthwhile. If you have not already joined the OPERI Facebook group, we urge you to consider doing so. The larger the number of members, the stronger the call for systemic change.

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